Android Phone App

Looking for a great way to entertain your children while on a road trip, waiting for an appointment or grocery shopping with the kids? Do you have and Android Phone or Zoom? I found an App you are going to really want to download, especially if you like to read to your children or if your kids like books.

ZigZag Stories has a whole world of books at your finger tips. Children's volumes are divided into age levels 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and 13 and older. Here is the best part about the books: They are a choose your own path through the book! You, as the reader, can decide whether you want the to take "path" 1, 2, or 3 and when you finish that path, you can zig zag back around and try a different route! It's like getting a book inside of a story inside of book inside of a story inside.... and just keeps you guessing.

The app sounds like the perfect solution form moms with squirming kids in the back seat or waiting their turn at the doctors office. The app is actually free to download and then you can pick and choose among the different volumes ranging in price no higher than $2.49.

Have you tried the app for the Android phone? If so, leave a comment and let me know what you thought about the app in general. Or did you enjoy any particular book or volume of books?


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